Make an impact like you never imagined.

I had to be a part of this.

It was 2010, and I was reading every book I could about food and how it affects our bodies. I had been working out since I was 12, and knew all about lean cuisines, slim fast shakes, diet pills, and was on a typical regimen of birth control, antacids, allergy meds, and antidepressants. I was totally, and completely normal. And then I discovered a whole new way of living. I was referred to IIN by a family member and once I learned that I could create a career (or a side gig, whatever you’re looking for) by studying food, how to live a naturally healthier lifestyle, and help others do the same, I was thrilled. I never looked back. I still appreciate the community that IIN offers and am proud to share it with others. I invite you to explore it as well. Maybe this is what you’ve been looking for.


Get the details.

Click to get the complete Program Overview and learn how IIN’s holistic health and nutrition curriculum can change your life (and help many others along the way).

Check out a sample class.

The Sample Class is a free sneak peek of the format and content of the Health Coach Training Program.

Download the curriculum.

Health Coaches are the future of healthcare. Become a part of creating a ripple effect of health and happiness, changing the lives of others—and your life—for the better.